The Andy Blog – 2009
Today is the 13th anniversary of our Andy’s death. Each year some of the memories of his life grow even more dim and I fool myself into believing that when this day comes the pain will be less. And each year I am surprised by that dagger in my chest. It’s there right now. It feels like the knife cuts away scar tissue and the pain of loss is experienced anew. The pictures of his always smiling face, the few tapes that contain his voice, the poem he was writing to be part of his music video for Mickey and Emily’s wedding – these and many more seem to contain a part of his spirit that remains with us. Andy’s zest for life and his daily excitement about God’s creation was part of the engine that powered our family’s collective spirit. And, though we continue on, it is a damaged vehicle we occupy – only to be repaired when we are reunited with him. We love you Andy!