Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Short Thoughts
1. I’m glad its over. Even as an old cynic I was disgusted with much of what occurred during the campaigns — and that includes both parties.
2. My New Year’s resolution (a couple of months early): no more talk radio!
3. God remains firmly in control of His creation (I guess this one should have been #1).
4. My gut feeling is that an era has passed and we may never be able to return to an America many of us thought existed. It may not have existed for a long time but some of us were unable to discern the signs of the times.
5. I am going to pray for our new president and give honor to him and his office.
6. I think its time for Christians in America to stop chasing moonbeams and focus our energies on doing the work of the kingdom: worshiping in Spirit and truth; feeding the hungry; comforting the grieving; visiting the sick; and, living like we are the light on the hill.


Michelle said...

Amen to that last one, brother! (Or, I guess I should say Father!)

Jennifer@DoingTheNextThing said...

Well said. I gave up talk radio aeons ago - you'll be glad you did! ;)
I'll say amen to all of that and add prayer for revival. Perhaps we've been shaken out of our complacency and are ready to live as the redeemed in a fallen world.

Robert Covington said...

I especially agree with 1 and 2. When I woke up Wednesday, I felt like a new man, even though the outcome was not what I wanted. Just getting the election behind me made me feel much better.

As for talk radio, in the past few weeks, I have just ignored the news all together. It just makes me mad, which accomplishes nothing.

As you said, our focus needs to be on the kingdom. Government, whether led by Obama or Palen, cannot fix our lives or solve our problems. They can make our jobs hardder, but Gid never promised us it would be easy. In fact, he warned us of just the opposite.

DCAja said...

thanks good kip!