Friday, May 15, 2009

Shocking Report?
I was not shocked but certainly dismayed a few mornings ago when the front page (above the fold) of the Tennessean had an article that reported 62% of those calling themselves Evangelical Christians supported torturing prisons to gain information. The very faith that was the foundational element for the establishment of our government seems to have now abandoned a key element of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The faith that is called to be above politics and serve in a prophetic way in calling our government to righteousness has sold out in order to have a “meaningful role” in the political system. Shame on us!

I am reading/praying my way through this year’s 50 Days of Prayer devotional leading up to the PCA General Assembly in June. This year the focus is on the minor prophets. Yesterday (May 14) the selected verse was Amos 5:24 “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” In that entry, the editor, Rev. Michael Ross, shared about his friendship with John Perkins when he was serving as a pastor in Mississippi. Perkins is a well-known Christian leader, a civil rights advocate, and the founder of Voice of Calvary Ministries. In closing his devotional, Ross had this to say about Perkins: “You know, I never knew if John Perkins was a Democrat or Republican. He never talked about elections. But John was used by God in both Church and State. He understood the prophets.” Shame on us if we don’t!


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